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“TMO is the perfect feature that has the potential to enhance/build upon the empathic capacities of children. I like how children are allowed to take charge to create the designs and the revenue will support the designers and their communities. This will result in a variety of diverse outputs."

Schoolteacher : Albania

“Overall, I can confidently say that the idea behind the project seems to be profound and covers in a way that's innovative and that actually makes sense, many areas of today's challenges. I think the project will be successful because everything, the concept, the tools, the ideas, and the approach seem to mix perfectly. (To put it in fewer words, you spotted challenges, and your project covers and seems to find innovative solutions to every challenge).”

Schoolteacher : Argentina

“Nowadays, people, especially in more developed countries, are becoming busier and lonelier, so this type of communication sounds appropriate.”

Schoolteacher : Bulgaria

“I’ve always believed in humanity. I am a dreamer and I can say that my dream will come true with UFE. Everything it intends to will change lives. I am a hundred percent excited to see this in action! The world needs to know UFE, for sure.”

Schoolteacher : Brazil

“In such a moment when the world lacks a sense of direction due to pluralism in all spheres, such a platform will help to re/direct humans. It is a positive venture, given that it falls within the realm of globalised endeavours to bridge the distance among humans. Not only would it enhance technological facilities and options already in use, it would help in reshaping children's and young adults' consciousness. The times are crumbling, morals are falling, the society is witnessing multiple crises.

This is indeed an opportunity for multiple drawbacks of the postmodern world to be addressed in action, not theory, by the people themselves!”

Schoolteacher : Cameroon

“Your idea may be the groundbreaking concept that all humankind needs.”

Schoolteacher : China

"I agree that educating kids must include recognizing diversity from early childhood and creating links with people around the world can make a big impact on their cognitive and emotional development, their actions, and the open vision they may have of the world."

Schoolteacher : Colombia

“Even in my holy book, there are a lot of verses. but my favourite one is "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." and I was taking it as a slogan for my life for a while. So, I really hope from my deep heart that UFE be a very effective application that fulfills all its goals around the world.”

Schoolteacher : Egypt

I guess you chose teachers to be part of UFE because it's one of the most impactful professions out there. Teachers have the power to impact children and teenagers in many ways. Because of some teachers, I enjoyed my major in the university, because a teacher I decided to give it try to be a teacher myself even though I believed I was a "backstage" kind of person, this teacher challenged me and showed me otherwise.

When reading the first document about UFE, you mentioned that the prime aim of UFE is to make friendships between children of all nations easier. The ones who are capable of making this possible are teachers who spend a lot of time working with different children. In my experience working with an NGO, I've seen in some cases teachers know small KEY details and gifts about children that perhaps their parents aren't aware of yet.

I'm guessing you chose teachers to teach the world how UFE works since teachers tend to do it with passion and love.

But again, I'm just guessing.

Schoolteacher : El Salvador

"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" which is a Sanskrit phrase found in oriental texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "The World Is One Family". Your concept carries seeds of success which will definitely blossom if you develop clear mechanisms to fructify what you intend to. The world can follow this philosophy and become one, though differences and diversities will be cherished and accepted.

Schoolteacher : India

“we are agents of change. but we are aware that this task is not easy. but no matter how difficult the task we carry out, we only hope that education is able to make people who are down to earth according to the character of the earth. the earth grows, does not burn, the earth is stable and does not fluctuate, no matter how humiliated and trampled the earth is, it still grows various forms and colors of natural wealth provided for the creatures above it. happy to share experiences with you.”

Schoolteacher : Indonesia

“sometimes i cant sleep when i think how big UFE is going to be.“

Schoolteacher : Kenya

"I believe that no one is too rich that they have nothing to receive, nor too poor that they have nothing to give. I appreciate the insight that the UFE app had in its development and the recognition that both the SA and TA nations have something to offer each other."

Schoolteacher : Kenya

"Most children in Africa, especially in my country have the attitude of just waiting others to give them because of the poverty. They just wait and never take action to help others. I think we need to encourage them to share their skills, knowledge, or something interesting in their country. I can tell that many children in the SA nations are talented. Help them to be aware that they can change the world too even they are poor and they have so much to offer."

Schoolteacher : Madagascar

"As a psychologist, it is very moving to know that there are projects around the world that seek and give value to the social knowledge of our Latin American countries."

Schoolteacher : Mexico

“What an amazing idea you have put up. I understand this is an avenue to help affect lives of these young ones across the globe. It is also a platform that is going to be creating jobs for thousands across nations too. I believe this platform you are setting is going to get lots of kids of the street.”

Schoolteacher : Nigeria

“In a world where everyone is about their respective businesses, creating an app that will harmonise the parents ,children and teachers is a great idea.This app is further going to strengthen the power of relationship, between the SA nation's and the TA nation's, wowww I am super excited about this already, this is a great initiative, I already see this as an app that has come to change the narrative, it's a super great privilege to be a part of this, and I promise to do everything I can to push and support this.”

Schoolteacher : Nigeria

“The goal of making a global children’s community, the objective of geopolitical stability and international symbiosis, language, and literacy, and the novel idea of TMO are one of the main features which make this organization dazzling and worth working for.”

Schoolteacher : Pakistan

...I just felt that if millions are interacting with each other how awesome would it be

No more fighting among nations

No more hate

No more selfish motives

No more racism

May be we could some day truly understand each other

May be we won't be scared of each other anymore

Schoolteacher : Pakistan

Wow, I do feel like I have somehow opened up to a bright future If you remember Brennan when we were kids there was this thing called pen pals. It was not just interacting with your friends but also to make new friends around the globe. Although there is global social interaction now but the true feeling of having a friend some other part of the world some how got lost. Schoolteacher - Pakistan
“I was astonished by the name itself “Humans from Earth” as I believe that we as humans need to constantly remind ourselves of the fact that deep inside each one of us is pure humanity”

Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories

“I felt like it is an app for how to live within a the earth's family which is great because now people can have millions of siblings, mothers, fathers, teachers and classmates from all over the world.“

Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories

“Furthermore, the terms TA and SA are way beyond political correctness. By calling developing countries socially advanced you acknowledge the diversity and richness of culture and therefore acknowledge that socially advanced countries can raise awareness about the ability to be humble, kind and compassionate which is something, and I'm brutally honest here, developed societies have lost touch with a long time ago.”

Schoolteacher : Serbia

“I think this app will play a big role in achieving world peace… the idea is solid."

Schoolteacher : South Africa

“Overall I think it is a really wonderful idea and something that the world is deeply in need of at the moment.”

Schoolteacher : South Africa

“I used to ride my xrm 125 motorcycle everyday with extreme difficulty to reach my learners. I have to travel 14 kilometers. You know Brennan I have experienced last november 2021 when we were traveling going home, one of my co teacher was covered by a mud slide. It was very horrifying and tragic that we experienced it. Until now when I am traveling to the spot where the accident happened, I am with fear. Not for the sake of my learners and my love for them, I might already resigned from my position. I am always hopeful that from that community one will become successful.

It was painful that my co teacher died as hero for all our learners.”

Schoolteacher : The Philippines

“I love this idea and my biggest curiosity is what would happen if every young learner used this application. The first answer that comes to my mind is that in this generation, there would be no prejudice towards anyone. Education is key to making change. We know that information is learned best when it is used. This is the way of learning a new language. Additionally, this is the way of understanding morality and emotions. This is the best project I have ever seen. It includes language learning, improves personality, and teaches about being from Earth by showing different cultures all over the world.”

Schoolteacher : Türkiye

“The use of translations to languages worldwide is appealing and means that all can make use of this fantastic program. Potentially poverty stricken families or those living a little more remotely, can begin to explore and experience things linked to the world around them. UFE aims to eliminate the barrier between socially developed and technologically developed societies allowing both to tap into a fountain of knowledge that differs from their own.”

Schoolteacher : United Kingdom

“Your objective is a good one. I am particularly swayed by the statement of international friendships in the formative years that will influence a global community as adults. I think that perspective sharing among children is important and feel inspired by the idea of humanizing nations in order to build personal connections and empathy across nations.”

Schoolteacher : USA

"But it seems like if the “true power of democracy” were going to change the world, it would have a better success rate by now. For a democracy to truly succeed, everyone would have to constantly put the greater good above their own personal good. Speaking as a “good” person, I find it really difficult to do that consistently.

I do think your idea could provide a powerful platform for those (like me) who often wish there were some way to contribute to the greater good, though.”

Schoolteacher : USA

“I love the idea of merging emotional intelligence, literacy, and cultural tolerance through pre-set messages. I think that is a great option as an equitable accommodation for all users.”

Schoolteacher : USA

“I am in love with the concept. It is innovative, ambitious, and has amazing potential. As a teacher it is something I would absolutely consider using with my students.”

Schoolteacher : USA

“Technology has definitely had a negative impact on many young adults and teenagers because of its unsafe and poor use, but UFE is giving it a new purpose that can not only help students but entire communities and families around the world to connect and share ideas, making me think of technology in a new and heartwarming light.”

Schoolteacher : USA

"The explanation of the safety measures has me excited!

(I am imagining myself in a Jetsons cartoon using my space-age device to connect with pen pals around the world.)“

Schoolteacher : USA

"I am immediately intrigued by the thought that we should start these important, international relationships while the children are still young.

As a kindergarten teacher, I know these are the Formative years where children are learning, growing, and making special connections. Kids are open minds - if you lay out an idea such as this at the beginning of their life, they will welcome it as a new normal for years after.

This makes me wonder if that could in fact be a solution to the every day problems this world is facing.”

Schoolteacher : USA

"Wow! I really like this concept. I love how it connects TA nations with SA nations and how the differences between the two are focused on positive aspects and how we can learn from and help each other."

Schoolteacher : USA

"I'd love to join this and see the TMO - how cool to have deeper level emojis - which can depict experiences - and designed by children!"

Schoolteacher : USA

“Now, I'm not a parent but if I try to put myself in those shoes.. that's what I'd like for my son / daughter to enjoy for the first few years.”

Schoolteacher : Venezuela

“I believe that this will make the children in the future wonderful personalities, and they will have leadership positions in society, and they will contribute to bringing about the needed change for their families and countries.”

Schoolteacher : Yemen

You have made me feel like anything is possible. I would love to know more about how the TMOs can be used as teaching aids... I teach mathematics.. is there any TMO for that (per topic I hope).

Schoolteacher : Zambia

“I like that the goal is to make friends and inspire lifelong learning. That fits in well with my teaching philosophy.”

Schoolteacher : Australia

“I love the idea of the TMO, and feel that making a connection between artist and art is a certain positive! I would definitely love to create TMO's in my classroom. This will tie so nicely into many curriculums, as well. The TMO-matching between SA and TA countries is a fantastic way for children to find other like-minded individuals. I love that idea."

Schoolteacher : Australia

“As a teacher of my school I'd love my children to use UFE”

Schoolteacher : Bangladesh

“As a teacher, I myself am thrilled to try and share this with my students. We are currently on trial to apply 'blended learning'. So this might be a great opportunity for my students to connect with students from neighbouring countries and exchange ideas or even solve a given problem together, while in class!!”

Schoolteacher : Brunei Darussalam

"I live in Colombia and the government has been implementing some strategies to become a bilingual country and they are supporting programs like yours"

Schoolteacher : Colombia

Thank you for allowing me to read about your project, it actually will help people around the world in so many different ways! Thank you for reminding me how much I enjoy working with kids!

Schoolteacher : El Salvador

I guess you chose teachers to be part of UFE because it's one of the most impactful professions out there. Teachers have the power to impact children and teenagers in many ways. Because of some teachers, I enjoyed my major in the university, because a teacher I decided to give it try to be a teacher myself even though I believed I was a "backstage" kind of person, this teacher challenged me and showed me otherwise.

When reading the first document about UFE, you mentioned that the prime aim of UFE is to make friendships between children of all nations easier. The ones who are capable of making this possible are teachers who spend a lot of time working with different children. In my experience working with an NGO, I've seen in some cases teachers know small KEY details and gifts about children that perhaps their parents aren't aware of yet.

I'm guessing you chose teachers to teach the world how UFE works since teachers tend to do it with passion and love.

But again, I'm just guessing.

Schoolteacher : El Salvador

“Even in my holy book, there are a lot of verses. but my favourite one is "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." and I was taking it as a slogan for my life for a while. So, I really hope from my deep heart that UFE be a very effective application that fulfills all its goals around the world.” Schoolteacher : Egypt
I guess you chose teachers to be part of UFE because it's one of the most impactful professions out there. Teachers have the power to impact children and teenagers in many ways. Because of some teachers, I enjoyed my major in the university, because a teacher I decided to give it try to be a teacher myself even though I believed I was a "backstage" kind of person, this teacher challenged me and showed me otherwise. When reading the first document about UFE, you mentioned that the prime aim of UFE is to make friendships between children of all nations easier. The ones who are capable of making this possible are teachers who spend a lot of time working with different children. In my experience working with an NGO, I've seen in some cases teachers know small KEY details and gifts about children that perhaps their parents aren't aware of yet. I'm guessing you chose teachers to teach the world how UFE works since teachers tend to do it with passion and love. But again, I'm just guessing. Schoolteacher : El Salvador
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" which is a Sanskrit phrase found in oriental texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "The World Is One Family". Your concept carries seeds of success which will definitely blossom if you develop clear mechanisms to fructify what you intend to. The world can follow this philosophy and become one, though differences and diversities will be cherished and accepted. Schoolteacher : India
“we are agents of change. but we are aware that this task is not easy. but no matter how difficult the task we carry out, we only hope that education is able to make people who are down to earth according to the character of the earth. the earth grows, does not burn, the earth is stable and does not fluctuate, no matter how humiliated and trampled the earth is, it still grows various forms and colors of natural wealth provided for the creatures above it. happy to share experiences with you.” Schoolteacher : Indonesia
“sometimes i cant sleep when i think how big UFE is going to be.“ Schoolteacher : Kenya
"I believe that no one is too rich that they have nothing to receive, nor too poor that they have nothing to give. I appreciate the insight that the UFE app had in its development and the recognition that both the SA and TA nations have something to offer each other." Schoolteacher : Kenya
"Most children in Africa, especially in my country have the attitude of just waiting others to give them because of the poverty. They just wait and never take action to help others. I think we need to encourage them to share their skills, knowledge, or something interesting in their country. I can tell that many children in the SA nations are talented. Help them to be aware that they can change the world too even they are poor and they have so much to offer." Schoolteacher : Madagascar
"As a psychologist, it is very moving to know that there are projects around the world that seek and give value to the social knowledge of our Latin American countries." Schoolteacher : Mexico
“What an amazing idea you have put up. I understand this is an avenue to help affect lives of these young ones across the globe. It is also a platform that is going to be creating jobs for thousands across nations too. I believe this platform you are setting is going to get lots of kids of the street.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“In a world where everyone is about their respective businesses, creating an app that will harmonise the parents ,children and teachers is a great idea.This app is further going to strengthen the power of relationship, between the SA nation's and the TA nation's, wowww I am super excited about this already, this is a great initiative, I already see this as an app that has come to change the narrative, it's a super great privilege to be a part of this, and I promise to do everything I can to push and support this.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“The goal of making a global children’s community, the objective of geopolitical stability and international symbiosis, language, and literacy, and the novel idea of TMO are one of the main features which make this organization dazzling and worth working for.” Schoolteacher : Pakistan
...I just felt that if millions are interacting with each other how awesome would it be No more fighting among nations No more hate No more selfish motives No more racism May be we could some day truly understand each other May be we won't be scared of each other anymore Schoolteacher : Pakistan
Wow, I do feel like I have somehow opened up to a bright future If you remember Brennan when we were kids there was this thing called pen pals. It was not just interacting with your friends but also to make new friends around the globe. Although there is global social interaction now but the true feeling of having a friend some other part of the world some how got lost. Schoolteacher - Pakistan
“I was astonished by the name itself “Humans from Earth” as I believe that we as humans need to constantly remind ourselves of the fact that deep inside each one of us is pure humanity” Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“I felt like it is an app for how to live within a the earth's family which is great because now people can have millions of siblings, mothers, fathers, teachers and classmates from all over the world.“ Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“Furthermore, the terms TA and SA are way beyond political correctness. By calling developing countries socially advanced you acknowledge the diversity and richness of culture and therefore acknowledge that socially advanced countries can raise awareness about the ability to be humble, kind and compassionate which is something, and I'm brutally honest here, developed societies have lost touch with a long time ago.” Schoolteacher : Serbia
“I think this app will play a big role in achieving world peace… the idea is solid." Schoolteacher : South Africa
“TMO is the perfect feature that has the potential to enhance/build upon the empathic capacities of children. I like how children are allowed to take charge to create the designs and the revenue will support the designers and their communities. This will result in a variety of diverse outputs." Schoolteacher : Albania
“Overall, I can confidently say that the idea behind the project seems to be profound and covers in a way that's innovative and that actually makes sense, many areas of today's challenges. I think the project will be successful because everything, the concept, the tools, the ideas, and the approach seem to mix perfectly. (To put it in fewer words, you spotted challenges, and your project covers and seems to find innovative solutions to every challenge).” Schoolteacher : Argentina
“Nowadays, people, especially in more developed countries, are becoming busier and lonelier, so this type of communication sounds appropriate.” Schoolteacher : Bulgaria
“I’ve always believed in humanity. I am a dreamer and I can say that my dream will come true with UFE. Everything it intends to will change lives. I am a hundred percent excited to see this in action! The world needs to know UFE, for sure.” Schoolteacher : Brazil
“In such a moment when the world lacks a sense of direction due to pluralism in all spheres, such a platform will help to re/direct humans. It is a positive venture, given that it falls within the realm of globalised endeavours to bridge the distance among humans. Not only would it enhance technological facilities and options already in use, it would help in reshaping children's and young adults' consciousness. The times are crumbling, morals are falling, the society is witnessing multiple crises. This is indeed an opportunity for multiple drawbacks of the postmodern world to be addressed in action, not theory, by the people themselves!” Schoolteacher : Cameroon
“Your idea may be the groundbreaking concept that all humankind needs.” Schoolteacher : China
"I agree that educating kids must include recognizing diversity from early childhood and creating links with people around the world can make a big impact on their cognitive and emotional development, their actions, and the open vision they may have of the world." Schoolteacher : Colombia
“Even in my holy book, there are a lot of verses. but my favourite one is "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." and I was taking it as a slogan for my life for a while. So, I really hope from my deep heart that UFE be a very effective application that fulfills all its goals around the world.” Schoolteacher : Egypt
I guess you chose teachers to be part of UFE because it's one of the most impactful professions out there. Teachers have the power to impact children and teenagers in many ways. Because of some teachers, I enjoyed my major in the university, because a teacher I decided to give it try to be a teacher myself even though I believed I was a "backstage" kind of person, this teacher challenged me and showed me otherwise. When reading the first document about UFE, you mentioned that the prime aim of UFE is to make friendships between children of all nations easier. The ones who are capable of making this possible are teachers who spend a lot of time working with different children. In my experience working with an NGO, I've seen in some cases teachers know small KEY details and gifts about children that perhaps their parents aren't aware of yet. I'm guessing you chose teachers to teach the world how UFE works since teachers tend to do it with passion and love. But again, I'm just guessing. Schoolteacher : El Salvador
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" which is a Sanskrit phrase found in oriental texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "The World Is One Family". Your concept carries seeds of success which will definitely blossom if you develop clear mechanisms to fructify what you intend to. The world can follow this philosophy and become one, though differences and diversities will be cherished and accepted. Schoolteacher : India
“we are agents of change. but we are aware that this task is not easy. but no matter how difficult the task we carry out, we only hope that education is able to make people who are down to earth according to the character of the earth. the earth grows, does not burn, the earth is stable and does not fluctuate, no matter how humiliated and trampled the earth is, it still grows various forms and colors of natural wealth provided for the creatures above it. happy to share experiences with you.” Schoolteacher : Indonesia
“sometimes i cant sleep when i think how big UFE is going to be.“ Schoolteacher : Kenya
"I believe that no one is too rich that they have nothing to receive, nor too poor that they have nothing to give. I appreciate the insight that the UFE app had in its development and the recognition that both the SA and TA nations have something to offer each other." Schoolteacher : Kenya
"Most children in Africa, especially in my country have the attitude of just waiting others to give them because of the poverty. They just wait and never take action to help others. I think we need to encourage them to share their skills, knowledge, or something interesting in their country. I can tell that many children in the SA nations are talented. Help them to be aware that they can change the world too even they are poor and they have so much to offer." Schoolteacher : Madagascar
"As a psychologist, it is very moving to know that there are projects around the world that seek and give value to the social knowledge of our Latin American countries." Schoolteacher : Mexico
“What an amazing idea you have put up. I understand this is an avenue to help affect lives of these young ones across the globe. It is also a platform that is going to be creating jobs for thousands across nations too. I believe this platform you are setting is going to get lots of kids of the street.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“In a world where everyone is about their respective businesses, creating an app that will harmonise the parents ,children and teachers is a great idea.This app is further going to strengthen the power of relationship, between the SA nation's and the TA nation's, wowww I am super excited about this already, this is a great initiative, I already see this as an app that has come to change the narrative, it's a super great privilege to be a part of this, and I promise to do everything I can to push and support this.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“The goal of making a global children’s community, the objective of geopolitical stability and international symbiosis, language, and literacy, and the novel idea of TMO are one of the main features which make this organization dazzling and worth working for.” Schoolteacher : Pakistan
...I just felt that if millions are interacting with each other how awesome would it be No more fighting among nations No more hate No more selfish motives No more racism May be we could some day truly understand each other May be we won't be scared of each other anymore Schoolteacher : Pakistan
Wow, I do feel like I have somehow opened up to a bright future If you remember Brennan when we were kids there was this thing called pen pals. It was not just interacting with your friends but also to make new friends around the globe. Although there is global social interaction now but the true feeling of having a friend some other part of the world some how got lost. Schoolteacher - Pakistan
“I was astonished by the name itself “Humans from Earth” as I believe that we as humans need to constantly remind ourselves of the fact that deep inside each one of us is pure humanity” Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“I felt like it is an app for how to live within a the earth's family which is great because now people can have millions of siblings, mothers, fathers, teachers and classmates from all over the world.“ Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“Furthermore, the terms TA and SA are way beyond political correctness. By calling developing countries socially advanced you acknowledge the diversity and richness of culture and therefore acknowledge that socially advanced countries can raise awareness about the ability to be humble, kind and compassionate which is something, and I'm brutally honest here, developed societies have lost touch with a long time ago.” Schoolteacher : Serbia
“I think this app will play a big role in achieving world peace… the idea is solid." Schoolteacher : South Africa
“Overall I think it is a really wonderful idea and something that the world is deeply in need of at the moment.” Schoolteacher : South Africa
“I used to ride my xrm 125 motorcycle everyday with extreme difficulty to reach my learners. I have to travel 14 kilometers. You know Brennan I have experienced last november 2021 when we were traveling going home, one of my co teacher was covered by a mud slide. It was very horrifying and tragic that we experienced it. Until now when I am traveling to the spot where the accident happened, I am with fear. Not for the sake of my learners and my love for them, I might already resigned from my position. I am always hopeful that from that community one will become successful. It was painful that my co teacher died as hero for all our learners.”
“I love this idea and my biggest curiosity is what would happen if every young learner used this application. The first answer that comes to my mind is that in this generation, there would be no prejudice towards anyone. Education is key to making change. We know that information is learned best when it is used. This is the way of learning a new language. Additionally, this is the way of understanding morality and emotions. This is the best project I have ever seen. It includes language learning, improves personality, and teaches about being from Earth by showing different cultures all over the world.” schoolteacher : Türkiye
“The use of translations to languages worldwide is appealing and means that all can make use of this fantastic program. Potentially poverty stricken families or those living a little more remotely, can begin to explore and experience things linked to the world around them. UFE aims to eliminate the barrier between socially developed and technologically developed societies allowing both to tap into a fountain of knowledge that differs from their own.” Schoolteacher : United Kingdom
“Your objective is a good one. I am particularly swayed by the statement of international friendships in the formative years that will influence a global community as adults. I think that perspective sharing among children is important and feel inspired by the idea of humanizing nations in order to build personal connections and empathy across nations.” Schoolteacher : USA
"But it seems like if the “true power of democracy” were going to change the world, it would have a better success rate by now. For a democracy to truly succeed, everyone would have to constantly put the greater good above their own personal good. Speaking as a “good” person, I find it really difficult to do that consistently. I do think your idea could provide a powerful platform for those (like me) who often wish there were some way to contribute to the greater good, though.” Schoolteacher : USA
“I love the idea of merging emotional intelligence, literacy, and cultural tolerance through pre-set messages. I think that is a great option as an equitable accommodation for all users.” Schoolteacher : USA
“I am in love with the concept. It is innovative, ambitious, and has amazing potential. As a teacher it is something I would absolutely consider using with my students.” Schoolteacher : USA
“Technology has definitely had a negative impact on many young adults and teenagers because of its unsafe and poor use, but UFE is giving it a new purpose that can not only help students but entire communities and families around the world to connect and share ideas, making me think of technology in a new and heartwarming light.” Schoolteacher : USA
"The explanation of the safety measures has me excited! (I am imagining myself in a Jetsons cartoon using my space-age device to connect with pen pals around the world.)“ Schoolteacher : USA
"I am immediately intrigued by the thought that we should start these important, international relationships while the children are still young. As a kindergarten teacher, I know these are the Formative years where children are learning, growing, and making special connections. Kids are open minds - if you lay out an idea such as this at the beginning of their life, they will welcome it as a new normal for years after. This makes me wonder if that could in fact be a solution to the every day problems this world is facing.” Schoolteacher : USA
"Wow! I really like this concept. I love how it connects TA nations with SA nations and how the differences between the two are focused on positive aspects and how we can learn from and help each other." Schoolteacher : USA
"I'd love to join this and see the TMO - how cool to have deeper level emojis - which can depict experiences - and designed by children!" Schoolteacher : USA
“Now, I'm not a parent but if I try to put myself in those shoes.. that's what I'd like for my son / daughter to enjoy for the first few years.” Schoolteacher : Venezuela
“I believe that this will make the children in the future wonderful personalities, and they will have leadership positions in society, and they will contribute to bringing about the needed change for their families and countries.” Schoolteacher : Yemen
You have made me feel like anything is possible. I would love to know more about how the TMOs can be used as teaching aids... I teach mathematics.. is there any TMO for that (per topic I hope). Schoolteacher : Zambia
“TMO is the perfect feature that has the potential to enhance/build upon the empathic capacities of children. I like how children are allowed to take charge to create the designs and the revenue will support the designers and their communities. This will result in a variety of diverse outputs." Schoolteacher : Albania
“Overall, I can confidently say that the idea behind the project seems to be profound and covers in a way that's innovative and that actually makes sense, many areas of today's challenges. I think the project will be successful because everything, the concept, the tools, the ideas, and the approach seem to mix perfectly. (To put it in fewer words, you spotted challenges, and your project covers and seems to find innovative solutions to every challenge).” Schoolteacher : Argentina
“Nowadays, people, especially in more developed countries, are becoming busier and lonelier, so this type of communication sounds appropriate.” Schoolteacher : Bulgaria
“I’ve always believed in humanity. I am a dreamer and I can say that my dream will come true with UFE. Everything it intends to will change lives. I am a hundred percent excited to see this in action! The world needs to know UFE, for sure.” Schoolteacher : Brazil
“In such a moment when the world lacks a sense of direction due to pluralism in all spheres, such a platform will help to re/direct humans. It is a positive venture, given that it falls within the realm of globalised endeavours to bridge the distance among humans. Not only would it enhance technological facilities and options already in use, it would help in reshaping children's and young adults' consciousness. The times are crumbling, morals are falling, the society is witnessing multiple crises. This is indeed an opportunity for multiple drawbacks of the postmodern world to be addressed in action, not theory, by the people themselves!” Schoolteacher : Cameroon
“Your idea may be the groundbreaking concept that all humankind needs.” Schoolteacher : China
"I agree that educating kids must include recognizing diversity from early childhood and creating links with people around the world can make a big impact on their cognitive and emotional development, their actions, and the open vision they may have of the world." Schoolteacher : Colombia
“Even in my holy book, there are a lot of verses. but my favourite one is "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." and I was taking it as a slogan for my life for a while. So, I really hope from my deep heart that UFE be a very effective application that fulfills all its goals around the world.” Schoolteacher : Egypt
I guess you chose teachers to be part of UFE because it's one of the most impactful professions out there. Teachers have the power to impact children and teenagers in many ways. Because of some teachers, I enjoyed my major in the university, because a teacher I decided to give it try to be a teacher myself even though I believed I was a "backstage" kind of person, this teacher challenged me and showed me otherwise. When reading the first document about UFE, you mentioned that the prime aim of UFE is to make friendships between children of all nations easier. The ones who are capable of making this possible are teachers who spend a lot of time working with different children. In my experience working with an NGO, I've seen in some cases teachers know small KEY details and gifts about children that perhaps their parents aren't aware of yet. I'm guessing you chose teachers to teach the world how UFE works since teachers tend to do it with passion and love. But again, I'm just guessing. Schoolteacher : El Salvador
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" which is a Sanskrit phrase found in oriental texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "The World Is One Family". Your concept carries seeds of success which will definitely blossom if you develop clear mechanisms to fructify what you intend to. The world can follow this philosophy and become one, though differences and diversities will be cherished and accepted. Schoolteacher : India
“we are agents of change. but we are aware that this task is not easy. but no matter how difficult the task we carry out, we only hope that education is able to make people who are down to earth according to the character of the earth. the earth grows, does not burn, the earth is stable and does not fluctuate, no matter how humiliated and trampled the earth is, it still grows various forms and colors of natural wealth provided for the creatures above it. happy to share experiences with you.” Schoolteacher : Indonesia
“sometimes i cant sleep when i think how big UFE is going to be.“ Schoolteacher : Kenya
"I believe that no one is too rich that they have nothing to receive, nor too poor that they have nothing to give. I appreciate the insight that the UFE app had in its development and the recognition that both the SA and TA nations have something to offer each other." Schoolteacher : Kenya
"Most children in Africa, especially in my country have the attitude of just waiting others to give them because of the poverty. They just wait and never take action to help others. I think we need to encourage them to share their skills, knowledge, or something interesting in their country. I can tell that many children in the SA nations are talented. Help them to be aware that they can change the world too even they are poor and they have so much to offer." Schoolteacher : Madagascar
"As a psychologist, it is very moving to know that there are projects around the world that seek and give value to the social knowledge of our Latin American countries." Schoolteacher : Mexico
“What an amazing idea you have put up. I understand this is an avenue to help affect lives of these young ones across the globe. It is also a platform that is going to be creating jobs for thousands across nations too. I believe this platform you are setting is going to get lots of kids of the street.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“In a world where everyone is about their respective businesses, creating an app that will harmonise the parents ,children and teachers is a great idea.This app is further going to strengthen the power of relationship, between the SA nation's and the TA nation's, wowww I am super excited about this already, this is a great initiative, I already see this as an app that has come to change the narrative, it's a super great privilege to be a part of this, and I promise to do everything I can to push and support this.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“The goal of making a global children’s community, the objective of geopolitical stability and international symbiosis, language, and literacy, and the novel idea of TMO are one of the main features which make this organization dazzling and worth working for.” Schoolteacher : Pakistan
...I just felt that if millions are interacting with each other how awesome would it be No more fighting among nations No more hate No more selfish motives No more racism May be we could some day truly understand each other May be we won't be scared of each other anymore Schoolteacher : Pakistan
Wow, I do feel like I have somehow opened up to a bright future If you remember Brennan when we were kids there was this thing called pen pals. It was not just interacting with your friends but also to make new friends around the globe. Although there is global social interaction now but the true feeling of having a friend some other part of the world some how got lost. Schoolteacher - Pakistan
“I was astonished by the name itself “Humans from Earth” as I believe that we as humans need to constantly remind ourselves of the fact that deep inside each one of us is pure humanity” Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“I felt like it is an app for how to live within a the earth's family which is great because now people can have millions of siblings, mothers, fathers, teachers and classmates from all over the world.“ Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“Furthermore, the terms TA and SA are way beyond political correctness. By calling developing countries socially advanced you acknowledge the diversity and richness of culture and therefore acknowledge that socially advanced countries can raise awareness about the ability to be humble, kind and compassionate which is something, and I'm brutally honest here, developed societies have lost touch with a long time ago.” Schoolteacher : Serbia
“I think this app will play a big role in achieving world peace… the idea is solid." Schoolteacher : South Africa
“Overall I think it is a really wonderful idea and something that the world is deeply in need of at the moment.” Schoolteacher : South Africa
“I used to ride my xrm 125 motorcycle everyday with extreme difficulty to reach my learners. I have to travel 14 kilometers. You know Brennan I have experienced last november 2021 when we were traveling going home, one of my co teacher was covered by a mud slide. It was very horrifying and tragic that we experienced it. Until now when I am traveling to the spot where the accident happened, I am with fear. Not for the sake of my learners and my love for them, I might already resigned from my position. I am always hopeful that from that community one will become successful. It was painful that my co teacher died as hero for all our learners.”
“I love this idea and my biggest curiosity is what would happen if every young learner used this application. The first answer that comes to my mind is that in this generation, there would be no prejudice towards anyone. Education is key to making change. We know that information is learned best when it is used. This is the way of learning a new language. Additionally, this is the way of understanding morality and emotions. This is the best project I have ever seen. It includes language learning, improves personality, and teaches about being from Earth by showing different cultures all over the world.” schoolteacher : Türkiye
“The use of translations to languages worldwide is appealing and means that all can make use of this fantastic program. Potentially poverty stricken families or those living a little more remotely, can begin to explore and experience things linked to the world around them. UFE aims to eliminate the barrier between socially developed and technologically developed societies allowing both to tap into a fountain of knowledge that differs from their own.” Schoolteacher : United Kingdom
“Your objective is a good one. I am particularly swayed by the statement of international friendships in the formative years that will influence a global community as adults. I think that perspective sharing among children is important and feel inspired by the idea of humanizing nations in order to build personal connections and empathy across nations.” Schoolteacher : USA
"But it seems like if the “true power of democracy” were going to change the world, it would have a better success rate by now. For a democracy to truly succeed, everyone would have to constantly put the greater good above their own personal good. Speaking as a “good” person, I find it really difficult to do that consistently. I do think your idea could provide a powerful platform for those (like me) who often wish there were some way to contribute to the greater good, though.” Schoolteacher : USA
“I love the idea of merging emotional intelligence, literacy, and cultural tolerance through pre-set messages. I think that is a great option as an equitable accommodation for all users.” Schoolteacher : USA
“I am in love with the concept. It is innovative, ambitious, and has amazing potential. As a teacher it is something I would absolutely consider using with my students.” Schoolteacher : USA
“Technology has definitely had a negative impact on many young adults and teenagers because of its unsafe and poor use, but UFE is giving it a new purpose that can not only help students but entire communities and families around the world to connect and share ideas, making me think of technology in a new and heartwarming light.” Schoolteacher : USA
"The explanation of the safety measures has me excited! (I am imagining myself in a Jetsons cartoon using my space-age device to connect with pen pals around the world.)“ Schoolteacher : USA
"I am immediately intrigued by the thought that we should start these important, international relationships while the children are still young. As a kindergarten teacher, I know these are the Formative years where children are learning, growing, and making special connections. Kids are open minds - if you lay out an idea such as this at the beginning of their life, they will welcome it as a new normal for years after. This makes me wonder if that could in fact be a solution to the every day problems this world is facing.” Schoolteacher : USA
"Wow! I really like this concept. I love how it connects TA nations with SA nations and how the differences between the two are focused on positive aspects and how we can learn from and help each other." Schoolteacher : USA
"I'd love to join this and see the TMO - how cool to have deeper level emojis - which can depict experiences - and designed by children!" Schoolteacher : USA
“Now, I'm not a parent but if I try to put myself in those shoes.. that's what I'd like for my son / daughter to enjoy for the first few years.” Schoolteacher : Venezuela
“I believe that this will make the children in the future wonderful personalities, and they will have leadership positions in society, and they will contribute to bringing about the needed change for their families and countries.” Schoolteacher : Yemen
You have made me feel like anything is possible. I would love to know more about how the TMOs can be used as teaching aids... I teach mathematics.. is there any TMO for that (per topic I hope). Schoolteacher : Zambia
“TMO is the perfect feature that has the potential to enhance/build upon the empathic capacities of children. I like how children are allowed to take charge to create the designs and the revenue will support the designers and their communities. This will result in a variety of diverse outputs." Schoolteacher : Albania
“Overall, I can confidently say that the idea behind the project seems to be profound and covers in a way that's innovative and that actually makes sense, many areas of today's challenges. I think the project will be successful because everything, the concept, the tools, the ideas, and the approach seem to mix perfectly. (To put it in fewer words, you spotted challenges, and your project covers and seems to find innovative solutions to every challenge).” Schoolteacher : Argentina
“Nowadays, people, especially in more developed countries, are becoming busier and lonelier, so this type of communication sounds appropriate.” Schoolteacher : Bulgaria
“I’ve always believed in humanity. I am a dreamer and I can say that my dream will come true with UFE. Everything it intends to will change lives. I am a hundred percent excited to see this in action! The world needs to know UFE, for sure.” Schoolteacher : Brazil
“In such a moment when the world lacks a sense of direction due to pluralism in all spheres, such a platform will help to re/direct humans. It is a positive venture, given that it falls within the realm of globalised endeavours to bridge the distance among humans. Not only would it enhance technological facilities and options already in use, it would help in reshaping children's and young adults' consciousness. The times are crumbling, morals are falling, the society is witnessing multiple crises. This is indeed an opportunity for multiple drawbacks of the postmodern world to be addressed in action, not theory, by the people themselves!” Schoolteacher : Cameroon
“Your idea may be the groundbreaking concept that all humankind needs.” Schoolteacher : China
"I agree that educating kids must include recognizing diversity from early childhood and creating links with people around the world can make a big impact on their cognitive and emotional development, their actions, and the open vision they may have of the world." Schoolteacher : Colombia
“Even in my holy book, there are a lot of verses. but my favourite one is "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." and I was taking it as a slogan for my life for a while. So, I really hope from my deep heart that UFE be a very effective application that fulfills all its goals around the world.” Schoolteacher : Egypt
I guess you chose teachers to be part of UFE because it's one of the most impactful professions out there. Teachers have the power to impact children and teenagers in many ways. Because of some teachers, I enjoyed my major in the university, because a teacher I decided to give it try to be a teacher myself even though I believed I was a "backstage" kind of person, this teacher challenged me and showed me otherwise. When reading the first document about UFE, you mentioned that the prime aim of UFE is to make friendships between children of all nations easier. The ones who are capable of making this possible are teachers who spend a lot of time working with different children. In my experience working with an NGO, I've seen in some cases teachers know small KEY details and gifts about children that perhaps their parents aren't aware of yet. I'm guessing you chose teachers to teach the world how UFE works since teachers tend to do it with passion and love. But again, I'm just guessing. Schoolteacher : El Salvador
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" which is a Sanskrit phrase found in oriental texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "The World Is One Family". Your concept carries seeds of success which will definitely blossom if you develop clear mechanisms to fructify what you intend to. The world can follow this philosophy and become one, though differences and diversities will be cherished and accepted. Schoolteacher : India
“we are agents of change. but we are aware that this task is not easy. but no matter how difficult the task we carry out, we only hope that education is able to make people who are down to earth according to the character of the earth. the earth grows, does not burn, the earth is stable and does not fluctuate, no matter how humiliated and trampled the earth is, it still grows various forms and colors of natural wealth provided for the creatures above it. happy to share experiences with you.” Schoolteacher : Indonesia
“sometimes i cant sleep when i think how big UFE is going to be.“ Schoolteacher : Kenya
"I believe that no one is too rich that they have nothing to receive, nor too poor that they have nothing to give. I appreciate the insight that the UFE app had in its development and the recognition that both the SA and TA nations have something to offer each other." Schoolteacher : Kenya
"Most children in Africa, especially in my country have the attitude of just waiting others to give them because of the poverty. They just wait and never take action to help others. I think we need to encourage them to share their skills, knowledge, or something interesting in their country. I can tell that many children in the SA nations are talented. Help them to be aware that they can change the world too even they are poor and they have so much to offer." Schoolteacher : Madagascar
"As a psychologist, it is very moving to know that there are projects around the world that seek and give value to the social knowledge of our Latin American countries." Schoolteacher : Mexico
“What an amazing idea you have put up. I understand this is an avenue to help affect lives of these young ones across the globe. It is also a platform that is going to be creating jobs for thousands across nations too. I believe this platform you are setting is going to get lots of kids of the street.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“In a world where everyone is about their respective businesses, creating an app that will harmonise the parents ,children and teachers is a great idea.This app is further going to strengthen the power of relationship, between the SA nation's and the TA nation's, wowww I am super excited about this already, this is a great initiative, I already see this as an app that has come to change the narrative, it's a super great privilege to be a part of this, and I promise to do everything I can to push and support this.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“The goal of making a global children’s community, the objective of geopolitical stability and international symbiosis, language, and literacy, and the novel idea of TMO are one of the main features which make this organization dazzling and worth working for.” Schoolteacher : Pakistan
...I just felt that if millions are interacting with each other how awesome would it be No more fighting among nations No more hate No more selfish motives No more racism May be we could some day truly understand each other May be we won't be scared of each other anymore Schoolteacher : Pakistan
Wow, I do feel like I have somehow opened up to a bright future If you remember Brennan when we were kids there was this thing called pen pals. It was not just interacting with your friends but also to make new friends around the globe. Although there is global social interaction now but the true feeling of having a friend some other part of the world some how got lost. Schoolteacher - Pakistan
“I was astonished by the name itself “Humans from Earth” as I believe that we as humans need to constantly remind ourselves of the fact that deep inside each one of us is pure humanity” Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“I felt like it is an app for how to live within a the earth's family which is great because now people can have millions of siblings, mothers, fathers, teachers and classmates from all over the world.“ Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“Furthermore, the terms TA and SA are way beyond political correctness. By calling developing countries socially advanced you acknowledge the diversity and richness of culture and therefore acknowledge that socially advanced countries can raise awareness about the ability to be humble, kind and compassionate which is something, and I'm brutally honest here, developed societies have lost touch with a long time ago.” Schoolteacher : Serbia
“I think this app will play a big role in achieving world peace… the idea is solid." Schoolteacher : South Africa
“Overall I think it is a really wonderful idea and something that the world is deeply in need of at the moment.” Schoolteacher : South Africa
“I used to ride my xrm 125 motorcycle everyday with extreme difficulty to reach my learners. I have to travel 14 kilometers. You know Brennan I have experienced last november 2021 when we were traveling going home, one of my co teacher was covered by a mud slide. It was very horrifying and tragic that we experienced it. Until now when I am traveling to the spot where the accident happened, I am with fear. Not for the sake of my learners and my love for them, I might already resigned from my position. I am always hopeful that from that community one will become successful. It was painful that my co teacher died as hero for all our learners.”
“I love this idea and my biggest curiosity is what would happen if every young learner used this application. The first answer that comes to my mind is that in this generation, there would be no prejudice towards anyone. Education is key to making change. We know that information is learned best when it is used. This is the way of learning a new language. Additionally, this is the way of understanding morality and emotions. This is the best project I have ever seen. It includes language learning, improves personality, and teaches about being from Earth by showing different cultures all over the world.” schoolteacher : Türkiye
“The use of translations to languages worldwide is appealing and means that all can make use of this fantastic program. Potentially poverty stricken families or those living a little more remotely, can begin to explore and experience things linked to the world around them. UFE aims to eliminate the barrier between socially developed and technologically developed societies allowing both to tap into a fountain of knowledge that differs from their own.” Schoolteacher : United Kingdom
“Your objective is a good one. I am particularly swayed by the statement of international friendships in the formative years that will influence a global community as adults. I think that perspective sharing among children is important and feel inspired by the idea of humanizing nations in order to build personal connections and empathy across nations.” Schoolteacher : USA
"But it seems like if the “true power of democracy” were going to change the world, it would have a better success rate by now. For a democracy to truly succeed, everyone would have to constantly put the greater good above their own personal good. Speaking as a “good” person, I find it really difficult to do that consistently. I do think your idea could provide a powerful platform for those (like me) who often wish there were some way to contribute to the greater good, though.” Schoolteacher : USA
“I love the idea of merging emotional intelligence, literacy, and cultural tolerance through pre-set messages. I think that is a great option as an equitable accommodation for all users.” Schoolteacher : USA
“I am in love with the concept. It is innovative, ambitious, and has amazing potential. As a teacher it is something I would absolutely consider using with my students.” Schoolteacher : USA
“Technology has definitely had a negative impact on many young adults and teenagers because of its unsafe and poor use, but UFE is giving it a new purpose that can not only help students but entire communities and families around the world to connect and share ideas, making me think of technology in a new and heartwarming light.” Schoolteacher : USA
"The explanation of the safety measures has me excited! (I am imagining myself in a Jetsons cartoon using my space-age device to connect with pen pals around the world.)“ Schoolteacher : USA
"I am immediately intrigued by the thought that we should start these important, international relationships while the children are still young. As a kindergarten teacher, I know these are the Formative years where children are learning, growing, and making special connections. Kids are open minds - if you lay out an idea such as this at the beginning of their life, they will welcome it as a new normal for years after. This makes me wonder if that could in fact be a solution to the every day problems this world is facing.” Schoolteacher : USA
"Wow! I really like this concept. I love how it connects TA nations with SA nations and how the differences between the two are focused on positive aspects and how we can learn from and help each other." Schoolteacher : USA
"I'd love to join this and see the TMO - how cool to have deeper level emojis - which can depict experiences - and designed by children!" Schoolteacher : USA
“Now, I'm not a parent but if I try to put myself in those shoes.. that's what I'd like for my son / daughter to enjoy for the first few years.” Schoolteacher : Venezuela
“I believe that this will make the children in the future wonderful personalities, and they will have leadership positions in society, and they will contribute to bringing about the needed change for their families and countries.” Schoolteacher : Yemen
You have made me feel like anything is possible. I would love to know more about how the TMOs can be used as teaching aids... I teach mathematics.. is there any TMO for that (per topic I hope). Schoolteacher : Zambia

Enter the Qword.

“TMO is the perfect feature that has the potential to enhance/build upon the empathic capacities of children. I like how children are allowed to take charge to create the designs and the revenue will support the designers and their communities. This will result in a variety of diverse outputs." Schoolteacher : Albania
“Overall, I can confidently say that the idea behind the project seems to be profound and covers in a way that's innovative and that actually makes sense, many areas of today's challenges. I think the project will be successful because everything, the concept, the tools, the ideas, and the approach seem to mix perfectly. (To put it in fewer words, you spotted challenges, and your project covers and seems to find innovative solutions to every challenge).” Schoolteacher : Argentina
“Nowadays, people, especially in more developed countries, are becoming busier and lonelier, so this type of communication sounds appropriate.” Schoolteacher : Bulgaria
“I’ve always believed in humanity. I am a dreamer and I can say that my dream will come true with UFE. Everything it intends to will change lives. I am a hundred percent excited to see this in action! The world needs to know UFE, for sure.” Schoolteacher : Brazil
“In such a moment when the world lacks a sense of direction due to pluralism in all spheres, such a platform will help to re/direct humans. It is a positive venture, given that it falls within the realm of globalised endeavours to bridge the distance among humans. Not only would it enhance technological facilities and options already in use, it would help in reshaping children's and young adults' consciousness. The times are crumbling, morals are falling, the society is witnessing multiple crises. This is indeed an opportunity for multiple drawbacks of the postmodern world to be addressed in action, not theory, by the people themselves!” Schoolteacher : Cameroon
“Your idea may be the groundbreaking concept that all humankind needs.” Schoolteacher : China
"I agree that educating kids must include recognizing diversity from early childhood and creating links with people around the world can make a big impact on their cognitive and emotional development, their actions, and the open vision they may have of the world." Schoolteacher : Colombia
“Even in my holy book, there are a lot of verses. but my favourite one is "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." and I was taking it as a slogan for my life for a while. So, I really hope from my deep heart that UFE be a very effective application that fulfills all its goals around the world.” Schoolteacher : Egypt
I guess you chose teachers to be part of UFE because it's one of the most impactful professions out there. Teachers have the power to impact children and teenagers in many ways. Because of some teachers, I enjoyed my major in the university, because a teacher I decided to give it try to be a teacher myself even though I believed I was a "backstage" kind of person, this teacher challenged me and showed me otherwise. When reading the first document about UFE, you mentioned that the prime aim of UFE is to make friendships between children of all nations easier. The ones who are capable of making this possible are teachers who spend a lot of time working with different children. In my experience working with an NGO, I've seen in some cases teachers know small KEY details and gifts about children that perhaps their parents aren't aware of yet. I'm guessing you chose teachers to teach the world how UFE works since teachers tend to do it with passion and love. But again, I'm just guessing. Schoolteacher : El Salvador
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" which is a Sanskrit phrase found in oriental texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "The World Is One Family". Your concept carries seeds of success which will definitely blossom if you develop clear mechanisms to fructify what you intend to. The world can follow this philosophy and become one, though differences and diversities will be cherished and accepted. Schoolteacher : India
“we are agents of change. but we are aware that this task is not easy. but no matter how difficult the task we carry out, we only hope that education is able to make people who are down to earth according to the character of the earth. the earth grows, does not burn, the earth is stable and does not fluctuate, no matter how humiliated and trampled the earth is, it still grows various forms and colors of natural wealth provided for the creatures above it. happy to share experiences with you.” Schoolteacher : Indonesia
“sometimes i cant sleep when i think how big UFE is going to be.“ Schoolteacher : Kenya
"I believe that no one is too rich that they have nothing to receive, nor too poor that they have nothing to give. I appreciate the insight that the UFE app had in its development and the recognition that both the SA and TA nations have something to offer each other." Schoolteacher : Kenya
"Most children in Africa, especially in my country have the attitude of just waiting others to give them because of the poverty. They just wait and never take action to help others. I think we need to encourage them to share their skills, knowledge, or something interesting in their country. I can tell that many children in the SA nations are talented. Help them to be aware that they can change the world too even they are poor and they have so much to offer." Schoolteacher : Madagascar
"As a psychologist, it is very moving to know that there are projects around the world that seek and give value to the social knowledge of our Latin American countries." Schoolteacher : Mexico
“What an amazing idea you have put up. I understand this is an avenue to help affect lives of these young ones across the globe. It is also a platform that is going to be creating jobs for thousands across nations too. I believe this platform you are setting is going to get lots of kids of the street.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“In a world where everyone is about their respective businesses, creating an app that will harmonise the parents ,children and teachers is a great idea.This app is further going to strengthen the power of relationship, between the SA nation's and the TA nation's, wowww I am super excited about this already, this is a great initiative, I already see this as an app that has come to change the narrative, it's a super great privilege to be a part of this, and I promise to do everything I can to push and support this.” Schoolteacher : Nigeria
“The goal of making a global children’s community, the objective of geopolitical stability and international symbiosis, language, and literacy, and the novel idea of TMO are one of the main features which make this organization dazzling and worth working for.” Schoolteacher : Pakistan
...I just felt that if millions are interacting with each other how awesome would it be No more fighting among nations No more hate No more selfish motives No more racism May be we could some day truly understand each other May be we won't be scared of each other anymore Schoolteacher : Pakistan
Wow, I do feel like I have somehow opened up to a bright future If you remember Brennan when we were kids there was this thing called pen pals. It was not just interacting with your friends but also to make new friends around the globe. Although there is global social interaction now but the true feeling of having a friend some other part of the world some how got lost. Schoolteacher - Pakistan
“I was astonished by the name itself “Humans from Earth” as I believe that we as humans need to constantly remind ourselves of the fact that deep inside each one of us is pure humanity” Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“I felt like it is an app for how to live within a the earth's family which is great because now people can have millions of siblings, mothers, fathers, teachers and classmates from all over the world.“ Schoolteacher : Palestinian Territories
“Furthermore, the terms TA and SA are way beyond political correctness. By calling developing countries socially advanced you acknowledge the diversity and richness of culture and therefore acknowledge that socially advanced countries can raise awareness about the ability to be humble, kind and compassionate which is something, and I'm brutally honest here, developed societies have lost touch with a long time ago.” Schoolteacher : Serbia
“I think this app will play a big role in achieving world peace… the idea is solid." Schoolteacher : South Africa
“Overall I think it is a really wonderful idea and something that the world is deeply in need of at the moment.” Schoolteacher : South Africa
“I used to ride my xrm 125 motorcycle everyday with extreme difficulty to reach my learners. I have to travel 14 kilometers. You know Brennan I have experienced last november 2021 when we were traveling going home, one of my co teacher was covered by a mud slide. It was very horrifying and tragic that we experienced it. Until now when I am traveling to the spot where the accident happened, I am with fear. Not for the sake of my learners and my love for them, I might already resigned from my position. I am always hopeful that from that community one will become successful. It was painful that my co teacher died as hero for all our learners.”
“I love this idea and my biggest curiosity is what would happen if every young learner used this application. The first answer that comes to my mind is that in this generation, there would be no prejudice towards anyone. Education is key to making change. We know that information is learned best when it is used. This is the way of learning a new language. Additionally, this is the way of understanding morality and emotions. This is the best project I have ever seen. It includes language learning, improves personality, and teaches about being from Earth by showing different cultures all over the world.” schoolteacher : Türkiye
“The use of translations to languages worldwide is appealing and means that all can make use of this fantastic program. Potentially poverty stricken families or those living a little more remotely, can begin to explore and experience things linked to the world around them. UFE aims to eliminate the barrier between socially developed and technologically developed societies allowing both to tap into a fountain of knowledge that differs from their own.” Schoolteacher : United Kingdom
“Your objective is a good one. I am particularly swayed by the statement of international friendships in the formative years that will influence a global community as adults. I think that perspective sharing among children is important and feel inspired by the idea of humanizing nations in order to build personal connections and empathy across nations.” Schoolteacher : USA
"But it seems like if the “true power of democracy” were going to change the world, it would have a better success rate by now. For a democracy to truly succeed, everyone would have to constantly put the greater good above their own personal good. Speaking as a “good” person, I find it really difficult to do that consistently. I do think your idea could provide a powerful platform for those (like me) who often wish there were some way to contribute to the greater good, though.” Schoolteacher : USA
“I love the idea of merging emotional intelligence, literacy, and cultural tolerance through pre-set messages. I think that is a great option as an equitable accommodation for all users.” Schoolteacher : USA
“I am in love with the concept. It is innovative, ambitious, and has amazing potential. As a teacher it is something I would absolutely consider using with my students.” Schoolteacher : USA
“Technology has definitely had a negative impact on many young adults and teenagers because of its unsafe and poor use, but UFE is giving it a new purpose that can not only help students but entire communities and families around the world to connect and share ideas, making me think of technology in a new and heartwarming light.” Schoolteacher : USA
"The explanation of the safety measures has me excited! (I am imagining myself in a Jetsons cartoon using my space-age device to connect with pen pals around the world.)“ Schoolteacher : USA
"I am immediately intrigued by the thought that we should start these important, international relationships while the children are still young. As a kindergarten teacher, I know these are the Formative years where children are learning, growing, and making special connections. Kids are open minds - if you lay out an idea such as this at the beginning of their life, they will welcome it as a new normal for years after. This makes me wonder if that could in fact be a solution to the every day problems this world is facing.” Schoolteacher : USA
"Wow! I really like this concept. I love how it connects TA nations with SA nations and how the differences between the two are focused on positive aspects and how we can learn from and help each other." Schoolteacher : USA
"I'd love to join this and see the TMO - how cool to have deeper level emojis - which can depict experiences - and designed by children!" Schoolteacher : USA
“Now, I'm not a parent but if I try to put myself in those shoes.. that's what I'd like for my son / daughter to enjoy for the first few years.” Schoolteacher : Venezuela
“I believe that this will make the children in the future wonderful personalities, and they will have leadership positions in society, and they will contribute to bringing about the needed change for their families and countries.” Schoolteacher : Yemen
You have made me feel like anything is possible. I would love to know more about how the TMOs can be used as teaching aids... I teach mathematics.. is there any TMO for that (per topic I hope). Schoolteacher : Zambia
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